Friday, January 21, 2011

In The News… Breastfeeding Can Boost Academic Test Scores…Especially in Boys!

A new study published in the January issue of Pediatrics found that, at ten years of age, children who were breastfed for at least six months achieved higher scores in math, reading and writing than those breastfed less than six months. The most interesting result was that it was especially important in boys! Here’s the link to an article in MSN Today Enjoy!


  1. Great article!! I Sooo agree. I nursed my son, Chase for 15 months, and he has been in the gifted program at school every year!!! Breastfeeding is so great for many reasons, including IQ.

  2. Dear blessedpath,
    Congratulations on nursing your son for 15 months! He is a lucky young man. I'll bet other moms would love to hear any tips that helped in your breastfeeding success? Thank you for posting a comment!
